Photographer Simon Menner has masterfully captured an image featuring a concealed sniper, expertly hidden from view. Think you can spot him?
This intriguing challenge is perfect for those looking to test their observational skills—whether against a friend, sibling, or partner. Our brains often struggle to decipher scenes filled with optical illusions or subtle distortions, requiring a keen eye to fully grasp what’s happening.
In his compelling ‘Camouflage’ series, Menner showcases various environments, each featuring a hidden sniper. Personally, I can’t imagine lingering long enough to snap a photo if I knew a highly trained marksman was nearby, especially one I couldn’t see. Yet, Menner bravely stood his ground to capture these striking images.
The sniper’s rifle is aimed directly at the camera, and by extension, at the viewer. Menner describes his work, stating, “Even though they are invisible due to their professionalism, there are hidden snipers in every one of these images.”
Thanks to the cooperation of the German, Lithuanian, and Latvian Armies, Menner gained ‘generous access’ to their snipers, for which he expressed immense gratitude.
Now, the real question is: can you find the sniper in this particular photo? Menner captured this shot by directing his camera towards a tower amidst a snow-covered landscape, taking cover under some nearby trees. While the scene appears quite barren, it’s evident that he wasn’t alone.
If your eyesight is particularly sharp, or if you utilize the zoom feature and take your time, you might just spot him. Still struggling? Let me help: the sniper is cleverly concealed in a gap on the second floor of the tower, tucked away in the corner with his gun aimed at the camera. It’s not an easy task, but that’s part of the sniper’s expertise!