The moment we learn how to love ourselves with all our flaws is the moment we really start to live our lives to the fullest.
But it’s not a simple task to accomplish this. People’s insecurities can be partially attributed to the airbrushed and edited images of celebrities and the media, which promotes these looks as social standards. This is because people mistakenly believe that they must look like the models on magazine covers.

There are also those who won’t let their beauty be determined by foolish standards and do all in their power to change the perception that others have about them.
Amelia is someone who has experienced severe criticism due to her weight. Since her daughter was far too overweight for her age almost from birth, her mother had known that she would grow up to be a “big” woman. Though many thought her adorable and kind when she was younger, she eventually faced bullying.
Before Sean came into her life, Amelia, who was shunned by society, would spend her days playing video games in her room.
Their pure life defied odds and led to a proposal and a modest wedding, and their life journey inspired a global movement of acceptance and empowerment.
These two are proof that love can overcome any obstacle because they rewrote the rules of love in a remarkable way.
Take a look at the video of their life story in the video below.

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