An elderly couple decide they want to have a baby So they go to the doctor. Doctor, they say, we’ve decided that we want to have another baby.

The doctor looks at them at a loss for words.

“You do realize that at your age, it’s pretty much impossible. The likelihood that you will even get pregnant is about zero and the chance of complications are really high.

I think you should go home and think about this again.” But, the couple was not to be dissuaded.

“No! We want another baby.” They go back and forth a few times until finally the doctor pulls out a small vial. The doctor looks at the husband and says “I’ll tell you what.

Fill this up with spe*m over the next few days. If you are able to do so we will go over what

options you have.” The husband happily agrees and the couple goes home.

A week later the couple returns. The husband pulls out the vial and plops it on the doctor’s desk.

It was empty. The doctor asks “what happened?” The husband responded. “Look doctor, I’ll be honest. I tried with my rig*t hand. I tried with my le*t hand.

I even tried with both hands!! But I couldn’t get the stupid vi*l open.”