This year, we are once again given the opportunity to take use of a holy period of time to contemplate and get ready for the deep mystery that is the death and resurrection of Christ.

This enigma continues to serve as the foundation of our faith, directing us toward revitalization when it comes to both our individual and communal lives.

As we continue to open our hearts to the transformative power of this truth and embrace it with sincerity and devotion, the depth of this truth continues to deepen inside us.

When we do this, we come face to face with the very essence of God’s love, which compels us to live a life of spiritual renewal and conversion.

Embracing the Good News of Christ’s sacrifice and victory over death is the source of the joy that wells up inside the heart of a Christian. It is through this sacred truth that we are invited into a personal connection with God, which is founded on trust and confidence.

This love is so profound and real that it invites us inside.

Embracing this reality means letting go of the delusion that we have the ability to direct our lives in any way we see fit. We instead recognize that our very life is a gift from God, and that it is intended to be lived in line with the divine plan that He has set down.

It is possible for us to be diverted from this road by the desire to follow the deceptions of the world, which can force us to fall into a state of bewilderment and despair.

On the other hand, when we put our attention on Christ, we discover the light that guides us back to the boundless mercy of God.

During this holy season, it is essential to give careful consideration to the mystery of Passover and the grace that it bestows upon us on a daily basis.

In this encounter, we are not merely observing from a distance; rather, we are engaging in a personal conversation with Christ, who has sacrificed Himself completely for our salvation.

By praying, we are able to join into this heavenly discussion and recognize our need for the grace of God.

The act of praying is more than just an obligation; it is an expression of love, a response to the God who loved us first. When we pray, we make it possible for the mercy of God to enter our hearts, so causing them to become more pliable and directing us toward a life that is more holy.